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What Other Animals Smell Like a Skunk

What Other Animals Smell Like a Skunk


The smell of a skunk is not a good one.

If your home starts to smell similar a skunk, yous are very probable going to want to exercise something nearly it.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to help you get rid of the smell, but the showtime consequence is to notice out what is causing it.

If your home smells like a skunk, but there are no skunks around, here are a few things that may exist causing the trouble.

Firm Smells Like Skunk but No Skunk

holding breath, suffering from unpleasant intolerable smell

Here are a few of the well-nigh mutual reasons your dwelling house may aroma similar a skunk, but you don't have a skunk in your abode.

one. Sewer Gas


The pinnacle reason people say they notice a skunk odor in their firm is a sewer gas leak.

A sewer gas leak is a trouble that needs to be dealt with right away every bit information technology is not safe to exist in the habitation if sewer gas is coming into the house.

This aroma will be rather strong, and you will likely observe information technology in your kitchen or your bathroom.

You should call the local natural gas provider entirely correct away and let them know almost the odor that you are smelling.

The biggest issue with a leak similar this is that the gas that is leaking will exist highly flammable.

If there is any potential that the gas could get nearly a spark, there volition be a large explosion.

You will have to make sure that you have this issue dealt with immediately.

In fact, if you smell the skunk-like odor, information technology is best to leave the house and take it looked into before deciding whether or not it is a skunk.

If you happen to find a skunk in your yard as you are leaving, that is first-class news.

Notwithstanding, you will non want to spend much fourth dimension investigating in instance the issue is truly a gas leak.

ii. Animal/Pet Sprayed by Skunk


Just because you don't meet a skunk right now does not mean that there wasn't one around before.

In fact, if you have animals that live in your home, at that place is a good hazard that one of them could have been sprayed by a skunk.

Another interesting story that nosotros have come beyond is that there was a bird in a homeowner's yard that a skunk had sprayed.

This bird was a larger bird, and it would perch on the homeowner's roof and gutter throughout the day.

Every time the homeowner would walk by the window, they would become a smell of skunk that didn't seem to become away.

This is because it took a long time for the bird to lose the smell of the spray that had happened to it.

Exist aware of your surroundings both inside and outside the house to make sure that your own pet or a friendly yard critter is not carrying the skunk smell.

3. Skunks in the Expanse


Yous may know that you lot have non been sprayed by a skunk, just skunks don't have to spray to odour.

Did y'all know that sometimes a skunk will aroma and it has zip to exercise with whether or non it has recently sprayed?

The entire trunk of the skunk tends to hold on to the olfactory property, and if it simply walks by your home, you are very likely to catch a whiff of it.

The bad odour is plenty to permeate through the home even if the skunk has simply walked past the house.

Over again, it is a good idea to keep an eye on your general environment if you lot want to exist sure that the skunk is not what is causing the issues.

four. Produce Gone Bad

Woman Holding Her Nose Near Foul Food In An Open Refrigerator

Different types of food going bad can harbor different odors.

Essentially, you will accept to know what bad milk or bad meat, or bad cheese smells similar.

I of the most common reasons to smell a skunk-like odor in your home is that you lot have some produce that has gone bad.

Garlic tends to be one of the worst culprits when it comes to odor.

If your garlic is starting to sprout and have a new form, chances are information technology can smell a bit like a skunk.

Produce going bad is something that you should continually look out for.

Your fridge needs a deep clean at least once per month.

Take out the drawers that volition agree the fruits and vegetables and launder them with warm soapy water.

If in that location was something that went bad during the course of the calendar month, y'all can brand sure that it gets cleaned upward properly.

Leaving the residue in the bottom of the drawer is going to cease upwards creating a olfactory property that will somewhen exist hard to become rid of.

The cleaner you keep your fridge, the easier it is to go along the odor down in the house.

5. Skunk Cabbage Plant


Believe it or not, there is a institute that smells like a skunk.

If you are non much of a gardener, yous could unknowingly have 1 of these growing in your chiliad.

The Skunk Cabbage Establish is a terrible smelling plant that gets its proper name because of the olfactory property that it gives off.

The plant does not smell unless information technology is blooming, and it is not a poisonous establish.

The scientific reason the plant smells is that it will attract more pollinators considering it smells.

At that place are many bees and flies that like this odorous plant and will come to feed on information technology.

However, since larger animals have a like sense of odour to a human, they volition avoid this plant more than oft than non.

This ways you will finish up getting quite a few of them around in a short period of time.

These plants tend to abound all year long and tin can fifty-fifty survive when information technology is quite cold.

Although y'all won't want to damage or kill these plants just to better your sense of smell, you need to be very careful as to where you identify them.

It is not smart to put these plants in an surface area by a bedroom window or next to your patio.

You will not exist able to enjoy the area quite every bit much if you continually have to question whether a skunk is effectually or not.

When removing the skunk cabbage, you may have a fleck of piece of work in forepart of yous.

These plants tend to bury themselves in the mud a bit, and this results in the plant being tough to dig out.

They are quite stiff, and you will want to ensure that you keep your easily protected and so you don't current of air upward smelling like a skunk trying to complete your gardening piece of work.

six. Dead Fauna in Wall

man sitting on the floor over white brick wall smelling something stinky

Last just certainly not least, it's possible that you could have a expressionless animal in your wall.

This is probably i of the worst options on this list, except for the dangers that the sewer gas brings into the equation.

The dead fauna in the wall does not take to be a skunk to smell similar a skunk.

Sometimes the creature dying just happens to take on a skunk like odor, and you lot volition take no pick but remove it from the wall.

Most of the time, yous will need to find the area where the odor is the strongest and cut out a small portion of the wall.

And so you will have to repair the area of the wall using sheetrock and spackle then repaint information technology.

Many people will call in an exterminator to handle this issue considering it can be a bit gruesome to bargain with.

Many times, the dead animal that has already started to odour could have bugs surrounding it.

If you are not good with this kind of matter, the combination of the sights and the smells may be a bit too much to take.

In addition, if y'all don't know what you are doing, y'all could end up cutting more than holes in the wall than you lot need to.

We highly recommend hiring a professional person for this process as information technology will probably save you coin in the long run, and it will undoubtedly salve frustration.

Where Would a Skunk Live in a House?

woman thinking

Sometimes you will go through all of these potential scenarios and discover that there is zero that makes sense.

Y'all may feel as though in that location is notwithstanding a skunk that is causing this issue.

Knowing exactly where skunks live can assist you lot narrow downwardly the trouble and get to the eye of the issue.

Skunks are typically going to look for food and water around humans.

This means that they may be living very close to your home without you existence able to come across them.

Ane of the most common places is nether a porch or in a shed.

If you have a raised porch or deck on the front or dorsum of your house, this will create a fine home for a skunk.

Of course, you will find that leaving doors to sheds, garages, and barns open up is probably a poor idea.

Y'all will want to endeavor and avoid a skunk getting into your property because it can be very difficult to go them out.

Trying to go a skunk out of your home is quite a process and one that could exit quite a bit of olfactory property behind.

There are some simple habitation remedies which you lot tin can use to go a skunk to discover a new abode.

Believe it or non, at that place are odors that a skunk cannot stand.

Ane of those odors is apple tree cider vinegar.

If y'all can place a rag with apple cider vinegar on information technology so put it under the deck or the porch, chances are your skunks will go and notice a new domicile.

This is a very natural way to let them know that you are non interested in providing some shelter for them.

Another option that works is some dirty kitty litter.

The kitty litter is going to exist a flake more challenging to piece of work with and collect, and that'due south why we like the apple cider vinegar selection the all-time.


Hopefully, you now have some ideas about what is causing these potential smells in your home.

Chances are a skunk doesn't have annihilation to practise with information technology, and it is merely some other issue.

If you think that in that location is any chance it could be a sewer gas issue, be sure to have it handled right away.

This could end existence a very dangerous situation and one that could cause a fire.

Luckily, at that place are some elementary solutions and reasons backside these odors, and you can hopefully accept your domicile dorsum to normal in a thing of a few hours.

What Other Animals Smell Like a Skunk




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